Coroutines in Unity – Encapsulating with Promises [Part 2]

In the last article we focused on the internals behind Unity’s Coroutines and went in depth on how they work. We covered IEnumerator interface and iterator blocks to get a grasp on how the engine takes care of the coroutine functions. We’ve also managed to list a few problems with the implementation and shortcomings that […]

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Coroutines in Unity – Encapsulating with Promises [Part 1]

Every Unity developer should be familiar with Coroutines. For many they are the way to script a lot of asynchronous and time-delayed tasks. If you’re not up to the speed, they’re pretty much special methods that can suspend and resume their execution for any time desired. In practice, they can be perceived as an illusion […]

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Myths and Facts of the Unity Game Engine

Unity is only for games It’s a myth. Of course Unity has been created as a game engine, but it’s so flexible that it is successfully being used in other industries, such as architecture, medicine, and engineering. For an example, see 3RD Planet. It is the largest online consumer event platform, showcasing the top tourist destinations in each […]

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Using threads with Unity

If you’re an experienced developer then you most probably worked with threads at some point of your career. As you’re now working with Unity, you most probably have forgotten about how the threads were once important to you. Unity as a game engine handles many things for you. It also introduces a functionality called Coroutines […]

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Mobile Optimization – Unity Profiler

Mobile Optimization with Unity Profiler

In the previous Mobile Optimization series post we talked about how important the batching is. We talked about how to use Unity Profiler in order to inspect how many batches are actually made. Now we will talk a little more about the Profiler itself. If you already know about it you may learn something new! The idea […]

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UnityToolbag – Library Overview

One of the greatest powers of the Unity is extensibility. You can see this especially by looking at the Asset Store. There’s plenty of scripts that will extend your Unity editor capabilities and some of them are totally free! In Overview series we will talk about this kind of assets. UnityToolbag is a carefully prepared set […]

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