Corner and surface detection in AR Part 1

Introduction AR technology is getting more and more popular these days. Two big companies have their own implementation of it. Google has ARCore supporting devices with Android and Apple has ARKit for iOS. These technologies require high computing power so only newer devices are supported. Both ARCore and ARKit have a feature to detect horizontal […]

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Artificial locomotion in Unity using Machine Learning Part 3

Training and results ML-Agents training One of the most essential parts of training is hyperparameter tuning. Effective training using RL requires to setup up hyperparameters properly. In ML-Agents all hyperparameters are specified in trainer_config.yaml file. Here you can find definitions for all hyperparameters. Below you can see the trainer_config.yaml file with hyperparameters config used to […]

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Artificial locomotion in Unity using Machine Learning Part 2

Implementation Previously, in part 1, we looked at the theory of both ML-agents deep learning algorithms and evolutionary computation. Now it’s time for us to implement the whole thing. First, let’s start by making a creature! Creature The creature we’re going to train will be designed in 2D environment, for the sake of simplicity. On […]

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Artificial locomotion in Unity using Machine Learning Part 1

Recently Unity introduced a plugin called ML-Agents, which is meant to integrate Machine Learning into Unity’s environment. There were lots of ways to implement Machine Learning in Unity before, but it was horrifically complicated. With introduction of ML-Agents, it has finally become significantly easier to implement Machine Learning into your project, even if you don’t […]

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