Mobile Optimization – Batching in Unity

Do you know what batching is? You may want to check out the Nvidia presentation Batch, Batch, Batch for some more details but long story short, batching the graphics data means to wrap it up into a single package and send it to the GPU in a single pass. Why does that matter to us? That’s […]

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Unity 5.1 Assertion Library

There’s a great article by Yegor Bugayenko called Need Robust Software? Make It Fragile. It’s about Fail Fast philosophy where you should write your code in the way that your application will fail as fast as possible if something is significantly wrong with your data or environment. When you’re building a mobile game with Unity then most probably you’re […]

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Accessing Your Unity Game Logs

Unity allows you to log variety of messages into the Console window by using Debug.Log() function family. I don’t think that I need to convince anyone about how useful the logs are. However, did you know that when you’ve already built your application, you still are able to access your game logs? Accessing logs from the editor First things first. […]

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How to customize Unity script templates

When you’re creating a new script, Unity editor generates its contents and for C# script it uses the file name as the class name. It looks like this. using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class MyCustomScript : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start () { } // Update is called once per frame void Update […]

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