UnityToolbag – Library Overview

One of the greatest powers of the Unity is extensibility. You can see this especially by looking at the Asset Store. There’s plenty of scripts that will extend your Unity editor capabilities and some of them are totally free! In Overview series we will talk about this kind of assets. UnityToolbag is a carefully prepared set […]

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You can search your scene objects by component’s type

Did you know that besides searching your Hierarchy window by object name you can actually filter your scene objects by component names they have? As you already know, there’s a small search input on top of Hierarchy window. It allows you to search for scene objects by name. When you start typing in the input, the object list will […]

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Profiling Unity Application with Profiler Samples

The Unity Profiler Samples is something that most of Unity users are unaware of. Yet it can be extremely helpful if you want to find out what amount of resources your code takes during the execution. If you’re already familiar with built-in profiler then you might know that by default it is not profiling all method calls. Also, […]

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You can switch your Inspector into the debug mode

Unity Inspector is extremely useful tool when it comes to tuning up your game objects and components. By default, the inspector is displaying only public and serializable fields, but sometimes you may need to know more about your objects state. You may want to include Debug.Log() function calls in your code. Usually, this is the fastest way of […]

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