The importance of a game design document & how to create one – part 2
In the previous part of the post, we’ve introduced you to the most important reasons to create a game design document in your project, using three examples: personal...
The importance of a game design document & how to create one – part 1
Never underestimate the power of a design document. Whether you’re working on a personal project, internal project or a commission job for a client, if you won’t have...
Improved Prefab Workflow
At the end of October on the Unity Developer conference Unite LA, Unity team presented their new, improved prefab workflow. Full presentation about the new...
Unity AR Tutorial: Augmented Reality Game Development with Vuforia
Vuforia is an AR platform that provides amazing opportunities for augmented reality development. Here are some examples:
Vuforia also has a Unity SDK...
Unity AR Tutorial: Google Tango Augmented Reality Game Development
You probably have heard about Tango, Google's AR platform for Android devices, that uses computer vision to give devices the ability of motion tracking. If so, you may...
Hide or lock layer in Scene window
Have you ever found yourself in a situation that the object you've put into the scene can be selected too easily or is covering some other important scene objects?...
Hold the Alt button to expand or collapse the Hierarchy
Did you know that by holding the Alt button while clicking on Hierarchy or Project window arrows you can completely expand or collapse its contents? It can be especially...
You can search your scene objects by component’s type
Did you know that besides searching your Hierarchy window by object name you can actually filter your scene objects by component names they have?
As you already know,...
You can restore unsaved scene after Unity crash
Unity as any other software out there may crash from time to time. It's not a big deal unless the last time you saved your scene file was somewhere near your lunch and...
Use icons to see invisible object on scene
Your game scene may consist of objects that are visible on your scene view (like mesh) and objects that are not visible there (like script holders). You may find yourself...