blog of knowledge
How to Make a Custom Editor Window in Unity
Today we will cover creating custom Unity editor windows. They can be used in many different ways. Most probably you know them from 3rd party assets. Even if you're...
Piotr Korzuszek
How to Implement a Game Cheats Subsystem Within Unity3D
When you're creating a game, you have to play it again and again, repeat some scenarios or create new ones. Also, you have to do it fast, because if any kind of scenario...
Piotr Korzuszek
A Story of NullReferenceException [Part 2]
This is a story of NullReferenceException part 2. If you haven't read the part one, you can still do it here. Don't trust GetComponent() GetComponent() is a commonly...
Piotr Korzuszek
A Story of NullReferenceException [Part 1]
Once upon a time there was a little boy living with his mother alone between the mountains. They lived a peaceful life. One day the boy's mother got very sick. The boy...
Piotr Korzuszek
Mobile Optimization – Garbage Collector
What is the Garbage Collector? Let's look at a definition on MSDN: The .NET Framework's garbage collector manages the allocation and release of memory for your application....
Piotr Korzuszek
Wrong Import Settings are Killing Your Unity Game [Part 2]
There are many things that may go wrong with your game development. Your models may have too many triangles for your target platform to handle, your algorithms may be...
Piotr Korzuszek
Using threads with Unity
If you're an experienced developer then you most probably worked with threads at some point of your career. As you're now working with Unity, you most probably have forgotten...
Piotr Korzuszek
Mobile Optimization – Unity Profiler
In the previous Mobile Optimization series post we talked about how important the batching is. We talked about how to use Unity Profiler in order to inspect how many...
Piotr Korzuszek
Wrong Import Settings are Killing Your Unity Game [Part 1]
There are many things that may go wrong with your game development. Your models may have too much triangles than your target platform can handle, your algorithms may...
Piotr Korzuszek
Mobile Optimization – Batching in Unity
Do you know what batching is? You may want to check out the Nvidia presentation Batch, Batch, Batch for some more details but long story short, batching the graphics...
Piotr Korzuszek
Unity 5.1 Assertion Library
There's a great article by Yegor Bugayenko called Need Robust Software? Make It Fragile. It's about Fail Fast philosophy where you should write your code in the way...
Piotr Korzuszek
Accessing Your Unity Game Logs
Unity allows you to log variety of messages into the Console window by using Debug.Log() function family. I don't think that I need to convince anyone about how useful...
Piotr Korzuszek
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